Monday, September 1, 2014

Welcome Back!

With the final moments of summer slipping away, we want to welcome our new students and families to The Whole Array with H/K blog. Instead of a weekly newsletter, we try to post updates, fun picture or videos, and important information each week. You can follow our posts by submitting your address in the text box to the right. We also send email reminders to check the blog. 
We are very excited to be starting the new school year, and want to make sure our students "Soar to Success"! Here's our official list of H/K FAQ's to help our families get started:
What supplies do we need for the 4th grade?
  • We appreciate all supplies sent to school with your student. Unfortunately, we do not use three-ring binders in the fourth grade. We have very little control over the supply list and apologize for this miscommunication.

  • We do, however, love, Love, LOVE to receive extra Kleenex and Ticonderoga pencils (Yes, I could talk for at least an hour about my love of these pencils!).

  • We also have enough hand sanitizer to sanitize the state of Oregon; if you haven't purchased any yet, we should be set for the year!
Do we give homework on the first day of school?

  • Of course!! We will be sending home short homework assignments and paperwork to be signed each night this week. We will be sure each student has a homework folder started before sending them home Tuesday afternoon. Please take a few minutes each evening to review the information in your student's folder.
Why do I have so many teachers?

  • Mrs. Harrington and Ms. Kinsman co-teach, which means we share the week. On Mondays, Tuesday, and every other Wednesday, Mrs. Harrington is in the classroom. Ms. Kinsman teaches the rest of the week.

  • This year we also have a student teacher, Ms. Cocheu (Co-shoe), who will be joining us in January.
Where do I send the rest of my questions?

  • We both respond to emails, phone calls, and other school business all week. If you have a classroom question, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or email, including both our names in the 'To:' line. Whoever reads/hears the message first will get back to you as quickly as possible.

  • Reach us at and or by phone 503-844-1140 x5527.
Do you have children of your own, and are they cute? 

  • Yes! And here is a picture to prove it! We'll see you Tuesday!



  1. Have a great school year! So proud of you :) Kiki

  2. Hello Mrs. Harrington, Ms. Kinsman and your remarkable 4th grade students!! Your class blog is fantastic and is a wonderful way to communicate happenings with families. I can't wait to be a part of your classroom--we are going to have so much fun!

    Ms. Cocheu

  3. Soar to success sounds like something I'd hear at my new school cause we are the eagles:)!


We love to hear from our families and students, but please remember our basic comment section rules.

1. Be sure to only use first names.
2. Stay positive.
3. Edit your comments carefully.