Sunday, September 7, 2014

"I Pick" books

Yesterday in class we worked on choosing books that are the right fit.  These are books that the students will read during independent reading time.
I  - Chose the book
P - There is a PURPOSE for the book: pleasure, research, etc.
I - You have to be drawn in or have an INTEREST in the book.
C- You have to be able to COMPREHEND or understand the book.
K- You have to KNOW the words.  The book needs to be at a level that you can figure out the words.

At the end of the period all of our 4th grade class had 3-5 books chosen.  If you are a parent reading this, take a minute and ask your student what books they chose and what they like about what they have read so far.



  1. I remember that. Do you guys have school on the 10,25,26, or the 28? I don't so I'd love to come in and help on one of these days if you guys have school

  2. Wait you guys are fourth grade again?


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