Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Body Invaders!

Dear 4th Grade Parents,

We just started a fun new health unit on Communicable and Non-communicable Diseases. It seems at this time of year many of us have first-hand experience with some nasty cold and flu viruses! Sounds like an appropriate time to learn the difference between communicable and non-communicable diseases!

Students will learn about pathogens such as viruses and bacteria, how they are spread, and what each of us can do to help prevent the spread of communicable diseases.

We even have a fun activity day planned during which we are hoping to have a visiting micro-biologist join us. The students will each cough into a Petri dish, and then see what grows after the dishes are incubated. Similarly, they will use another Petri dish with agar and touch the dish before hand washing, and again afterward to demonstrate how well they are really washing their hands! We’re not done yet—the kids will also have the opportunity to see real live bacteria under a microscope!

Check out this cool link that uses concrete graphic images to depict the real size of a germ compared to other very small surfaces. The kids loved it!

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