Saturday, January 31, 2015

Can You Say Field Trips? OH YEAH!!!!

We have MANY field trips in the works for this Spring.  It may, in fact, be a record number.  With support from grants, educational organizations, and sponsors, we are able to offer these rich and engaging educational opportunities for our 4th grade students.

We will be sending home permission slips this week with the students.  We will also be planning ahead for lunch needs as we need to order any school-made lunches early to help our kitchen staff.  We also need to ask for financial donations for two of our field trips.  Both Fort Vancouver and the Oregon State Capitol Trips are free with educational programs, but we need to provide our own funding for the buses on these two trips.  If you are able to help out with a donation, we greatly appreciate your assistance.

We will need parent chaperones!  We encourage you to consider accompanying us on one or all of our trips.  Sometimes our bus space will be tight, and there may be some trips where we need you to drive behind the bus(es), but we very much need parent help to ensure the oversight and management of the students in these various settings.

Below is a preview for you to see all of the amazing trips coming up.
Thank you for your support and help.

2/26 Charlie Brown (play performance by Glencoe High School)
3/10 Clean Water Festival (University of Portland)
3/11 Portland Youth Philharmonic (Downtown Portland Schnitzer)
3/19 Hagg Lake- releasing hatched baby trout 
3/20 Fort Vancouver National Historic Site, WA
4/9 Oregon Coast- Marine Hatfield Science Center and Tidepools at Yaquina Head
4/15 (Dow/Golay & H/K) and 4/22 (Ramchandar)  Tillamook Forestry Center
4/28 Oregon State Capitol
5/8 Oregon Historical Society
6/3 (Dow/Golay & Ramchandar) and 6/8 (H/K) Tyron Creek Park (near Lewis & Clark College)

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2. Stay positive.
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