Sunday, May 18, 2014

A Little Bit of Washington County History

Last week we had the pleasure of welcoming the Washington County Mobile Museum to the fifth grade. Our presenter explained how Hillsboro, Beaverton, and the surrounding areas got the nickname of 'The Silicon Forest'. She also brought along some of the technology that has been developed in our area. Parents, you might recognize some of the old cell phones in the pictures. It really is amazing to think how far technology has come and how many of the developments have happened in our own backyards!

Examining the insides of a hard drive & making an important call!

Putting the phones in chronological order 

Taking a closer look at a circuit board

Next week we will have a presentation from the Hillsboro Police department on cyber safety. Please join us for the parent information night on Tuesday, at 6:00pm. We are hoping to increase our students' awareness of the most positive ways to use 21st century technologies. 

Finally, please be aware that we will continue to send home Writing Sparks, Reading Logs, Nightly Math Homework and Fox Reports through the first week of June. While we understand that students are excited for summer break, we still have a number of topics we want to finish covering before the end of the year. We are finishing our fraction unit (ask your students if they can add/subtract fractions with unlike denominators) and learning about early U.S. history. 

Have a wonderful week!

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