Sunday, December 8, 2013

A Lot of Fun to Share!

Oregon Forestry Center Field Trip
On Friday, we enjoyed a fantastic trip to the Oregon Forestry Center. Thank you so much to our families for sending money to help cover the cost of transportation. We believe that our field trips offer immeasurable enrichment to our classroom instruction. The students had a chance to study a woodland habitat and look for signs of consumers, producers, and decomposers. They also looked at how forestry products are made and used around the world, and the types of trees that are found globally. Due to the poor weather we nearly had the museum to ourselves! Thank you also to the many parent volunteers that helped make the trip possible.

One of the beautiful displays at the Forestry Center

Technology Grant Recipients
After school, I finally had a chance to check my email and discovered that our Mrs. Harrington and I had received a HUGE, $5,000, technology grant!! 'Kindle-ing a Love of Reading' was funded through the Classroom Technology Innovation Grant provided by the Hillsboro School District. With the money, we will be purchasing a classroom set of Kindles, enough for each one of our 34 students! We cannot wait to start buying e-books and using these new devices with your children. Our hope is to have them ready after winter break.

Energy Presentation
Another fun announcement is our guest speaker for next week. On Monday, Margaret Rodriguez-Springer, will visit our classroom for a full day presentation on energy, energy use, and conservation. Mrs. Anderson helped coordinate this event, which we are excited to share with the students.

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1. Be sure to only use first names.
2. Stay positive.
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