Friday, October 11, 2013

Two Weeks of Fun

One problem with using a mobile device to store photos and videos for this blog is that it's mobility is limited by my memory. Despite numerous visits to Free orchards on my days off last week, I forgot the iPad each time! With it now firmly in my possession, I can share some highlights from the last two weeks.

The Art of Division

The first is a video featuring Kali explaining how to use an array to solve a division equation. This skill is extremely important, as we do not not teach the kids the old algorithm for division (remember divide, multiply, subtract, bring down?). Watch as she solves 308 divided by 22:

If your family does have an apple device, you can download a new app called Number Pieces, which allows students to use digital versions of the manipulatives we use in class for math. Ask your students if they can tell you the quotient for the problem below:

Healthy Living

Hopefully you had a chance to look over your students' health logs last week. During ELD, we have been studying healthy diets and are now coving a unit on healthy lifestyles during content time. We asked the kids to work in groups to write public service announcements for a healthy diet. They did a great job. They were all very creative and entertaining!


And finally, a photo collage of life in our classroom.




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