Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Official Week Two Report

Has it only been seven days since the last post? That is hard to believe considering the HUGE amount of work we accomplished over the last week. Here are just a few of the highlights:
  • We finished our Unit 2 pretests in math and were pleased to see how well our students remembered the multiplication strategies we taught last year. My goal for this week is to put together videos of students demonstrating strategies for solving a two-by-two digit multiplication problems. You might be surprised by all the different techniques.
  • The students have been assigned their states for the PowerPoint presentation they will be making over the next three weeks. So many of our kids came to the first day of fifth grade eager to get into the computer lab. We are excited for this presentation.
  • Mrs. Harrington has been working up a sweat organizing field trips and guest speakers for the year. It looks like we have a trip to the capital and Hagg Lake in the works! We will provide more information in the future.
  • The students have also been working on their first piece of formal writing, composing a piece on a classmate they interviewed early last week. 
This week also marked the first homework and reading log turn-in cycle. You will all be receiving a Fox Report tomorrow that needs to be signed and returned on Tuesday. Thank you to our families that worked hard with their students to ensure that this work is completed and returned on Fridays. Reading about your family's adventures over the summer break was a lot of fun. 

Be sure to check in on Thursday, as we have a special "Throw Back Thursday" post we are excited to share! 

Have a fantastic week! 

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